
How Much Does a Filling Cost?

How Much Does a Filling Cost?
How Much Does a Filling Cost?

Dental Fillings are a restorative treatment for several dental concerns such as chipped or fractured teeth, tooth decay, and worn down teeth due to oral habits. A dental filling is needed so the previously damaged tooth can be preserved and can serve its purpose.

There are several factors that will influence what the dentist will recommend as the material for your dental filling. Such particulars that your dentist will take into consideration includes: the location of the tooth in your mouth, the severity of tooth decay and the amount of tooth reduction to be done, material availability, and your concerns and specifications. These are also the factors that would indicate the estimation of the cost of your fillings.

At Identity Dentistry, we have several dental filling options available and our dental professionals will recommend and educate you on the appropriate choice for your case. To give you an overview, here are the dental filling options in our clinic and the advantages and disadvantages of each:

1. Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC)


        • Fluoride-releasing, helps in strengthening child’s teeth
        • Less technique sensitive


        • Not as durable as other filling materials
        • Has no capability to mimic the color of natural teeth

2. Dental Composites


        • Best used for anterior teeth restoration
        • Excellent aesthetic properties
        • Tooth-coloured dental filling


        • Not advised for extensive tooth decay
        • Technique sensitive

3. Porcelain for Inlay/Onlay


        • Best used for restoration that involves extensive tooth structure removal
        • Durable, can withstand biting forces
        • Great aesthetic qualities


        • Wears down opposing natural teeth overtime

How Much Does a Filling Cost?So how much does a filling cost? You can expect to pay starting from $200 per filling depending on the type of material used and the complexity of the case. It is to be noted that this price is only an estimate and we can only provide a better breakdown of the expected expenses when our dental professionals have already properly inspected your teeth.

During treatment, several variables may cause the expense to be higher including the severity of the case and difficulty of the procedure. An impacted tooth, a back molar on the upper jaw, and some additional treatment requirements such as a liner or a base for nerve protection in deep cavities may influence these.

At Identity Dentistry, we prioritise your dental health concerns before anything else. We make sure to offer our services at a reasonable rate without compromising the outcome and while guaranteeing quality, state of the art dentistry for our patients. We also cater to different health funds and insurance coverages as we practice compassionate dentistry in our clinic.

How Much Does a Filling Cost?
How Much Does a Filling Cost?

Dental Fillings are a restorative treatment for several dental concerns such as chipped or fractured teeth, tooth decay, and worn down teeth due to oral habits. A dental filling is needed so the previously damaged tooth can be preserved and can serve its purpose.

There are several factors that will influence what the dentist will recommend as the material for your dental filling. Such particulars that your dentist will take into consideration includes: the location of the tooth in your mouth, the severity of tooth decay and the amount of tooth reduction to be done, material availability, and your concerns and specifications. These are also the factors that would indicate the estimation of the cost of your fillings.

At Identity Dentistry, we have several dental filling options available and our dental professionals will recommend and educate you on the appropriate choice for your case. To give you an overview, here are the dental filling options in our clinic and the advantages and disadvantages of each:

1. Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC)


        • Fluoride-releasing, helps in strengthening child’s teeth
        • Less technique sensitive


        • Not as durable as other filling materials
        • Has no capability to mimic the color of natural teeth

2. Dental Composites


        • Best used for anterior teeth restoration
        • Excellent aesthetic properties
        • Tooth-coloured dental filling


        • Not advised for extensive tooth decay
        • Technique sensitive

3. Porcelain for Inlay/Onlay


        • Best used for restoration that involves extensive tooth structure removal
        • Durable, can withstand biting forces
        • Great aesthetic qualities


        • Wears down opposing natural teeth overtime

How Much Does a Filling Cost?So how much does a filling cost? You can expect to pay starting from $200 per filling depending on the type of material used and the complexity of the case. It is to be noted that this price is only an estimate and we can only provide a better breakdown of the expected expenses when our dental professionals have already properly inspected your teeth.

During treatment, several variables may cause the expense to be higher including the severity of the case and difficulty of the procedure. An impacted tooth, a back molar on the upper jaw, and some additional treatment requirements such as a liner or a base for nerve protection in deep cavities may influence these.

At Identity Dentistry, we prioritise your dental health concerns before anything else. We make sure to offer our services at a reasonable rate without compromising the outcome and while guaranteeing quality, state of the art dentistry for our patients. We also cater to different health funds and insurance coverages as we practice compassionate dentistry in our clinic.